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Where is HilleVax headquartered?
HilleVax is headquartered in Boston, Massachusetts at 321 Harrison Ave 5th Fl.
Where is HilleVax incorporated?
HilleVax is incorporated in the State of Delaware.
When did HilleVax become a public company and how is the stock traded?
HilleVax is traded on the Nasdaq Global Select Market under the ticker symbol HLVX. HilleVax priced its initial public offering on April 29, 2022.
What is HilleVax’s fiscal year end?
HilleVax’s fiscal year end is December 31.
Does HilleVax pay dividends?
HilleVax does not currently, nor do we expect to, declare or pay any cash or other dividends on our common stock in the foreseeable future.
Who are HilleVax’s independent registered public accountants?
Ernst & Young LLP
Who is HilleVax’s transfer agent?
Who do I contact regarding lost stock certificates, address changes, and changes of ownership or name in which shares are held?
150 Royall Street, Suite 101
Canton, MA, 02021
Toll Free (800) 736-3001
Email: (place “HilleVax, Inc.” in the subject line of the email)
150 Royall Street, Suite 101
Canton, MA, 02021
Toll Free (800) 736-3001
Email: (place “HilleVax, Inc.” in the subject line of the email)
How can I view documents HilleVax has filed with the U.S. Securities & Exchange Commission (SEC), including Forms 10-K and 10-Q?
You can visit the SEC Filings page in the Investors section of our corporate website. All SEC filings can also be accessed directly from the SEC at
Whom should I contact regarding investor inquiries?
Please direct inquiries to